myHealth actively supports parents with children of all ages who want to stay engaged in their child’s life. Young people are more likely to make healthier choices as a teen or young adult when parents create a strong foundation of communication around family values, expectations, and accurate, age-appropriate information. myHealth’s educators present parenting information and resources to over hundreds of parents every year. 

Upcoming Growing Up Workshops:

Growing Up: Caregivers & Kids Connecting

Saturday, May 17, 2025
9 am – 12 pm
myHealth for Teens and Young Adults, 15 8th Ave S, Hopkins, MN 55343


Upcoming PASE Workshops:

Parents Are Sexuality Educators (PASE)

Thursday, May 8, 2025
6 pm – 7 pm
myHealth for Teens and Young Adults, 15 8th Ave S, Hopkins, MN 55343

Puberty Workbook Provided!
For parents with kids ages 10 to 14. Please plan to leave kids at home.


Family Workshops

Growing Up: Families Connecting

A workshop for parents and children ages 9-12.  Growing up can be exciting, exhilarating, confusing and scary – all at the same time! Join us for a fun and informative three hour workshop that will take some of the mystery out of puberty and the questions out of adolescence. Prepare to laugh, create, question, learn and grow – TOGETHER!

Youth ages 9-12 and their caregiver, or other trusted adult, will engage in fun and thought-provoking activities that help them learn about: puberty, reproductive anatomy and development in bodies. We will learn what is normal (and great!) about growing up, how to have the best parent-child communication possible, and how to maintain or strengthen family bonds.

Staying Connected: Mental Wellbeing

This workshop will engage youth and their caregiver(s), or other trusted adult, in fun and thought-provoking activities that will help them understand more about mental health.  Topics include stress management, coping skills, and overall mental well-being.  Together, we will learn how to have open parent-child communication, maintain or strengthen family bonds, and how to use different tools and resources to support our mental health.

Parent Toolkits

Looking for ways to connect with other caregivers? Don’t know how to answer your young person’s questions? myHealth is here to help. We offer sessions for caregivers to learn more about communication and supporting their young person. Our Parent Toolkit’s can be done for large or small groups, in your home, office, over ZOOM or a community space. Take a moment to review the topics so you can decide which ones best fit your needs. Don’t see quite what you’re looking for? We also offer custom parent presentations.

Circles of Wellness

For caregivers with kids in grades 4 and up
Length: 45-90 minutes

Explore the different dimensions of wellness in a non-judgmental space. Learn strategies caregivers can use to help their young person build resiliency and develop lifelong healthy habits.

Friendships, Relationships and Dating

For caregivers with kids in grades 4 and up
Length: 90 minutes

Friendships are incredibly important to young people. How do we help our children foster healthy friendships and connection without overstepping their boundaries? Learn effective ways to start the conversation and help our young people navigate friendships, relationships and dating while respecting their autonomy.

Gender and Sexuality

For caregivers with kids in grades 4 & up
Length: 45-90 minutes

Define common terms and concepts around gender and sexuality such as gender identity, heteronormativity, LGBTQIA+ and more. Ask questions and get answers in a supportive, non-judgmental setting. Connect with local and national LGBTQIA+ resources for youth and families.

Parenting in a Digital Age: Pornography

For caregivers with kids in grades 4 and up
Length: 45-90 minutes

Learn the realities and considerations around youth exposure to explicit content. Leave with helpful tips on talking to your young person about sexuality and online use while promoting individual family values.

Parenting in a Digital Age: Social Media

For caregivers with kids in grade 4 and up
Length: 45-90 minutes

Review what’s current and happening in the world of social media. Discuss  concerns such as screen time, cyber bullying and sexting. Explore effective ways to communicate with your young person and set technology boundaries as a family.

Parents as Sexuality Educators

Preparing Yourself and Your Child for Leaving Home

For caregivers with kids of any age
Length: 45-90 minutes

Learn helpful tips for having age-appropriate conversations about sexuality. We will discuss sexuality (healthy relationships, boundaries, safety, confidence and more!), typical stages of sexual development for children and adolescents, family values, and how to use teachable moments to get the conversation started.  Connect with others and learn in a non-judgmental, supportive environment.

Stress Management and Self-Care

For caregivers with kids of any age
Length: 45-90 minutes

Caregiving can leave many feeling helpless, ineffective, and overwhelmed. Trying to juggle the demands of work, home, and parenting can prove to be difficult and stressful. Excessive stress can damage physical and emotional health. This class is designed to help parents manage the stress they face each day in healthy ways. The focus will be on parenting with mindfulness, prioritizing, self-care, and relaxation techniques that can be used on a daily basis to better manage and minimize stress.

To set up a presentation, please email us with the following information!
  • First & Last Name
  • Email
  • Location (Please include location and room number)
  • Site Contact (Name, phone number for day-of, email)
  • Presentation Date & Time
  • Approximate Number of Attendees (Attendees per Presentation)
  • Presentation Topic(s)
  • Technology Needs *If attendees have access to iPads, laptops or smartphones

If you have any questions or are interested in learning more about our presentations, please contact Nicole:

Download our Family Activity Kit